August 22, 2011


Being a mom is so much more difficult than I had ever thought it would be. But little things like this make it all worth it.

Cute smiles in her sleep.

That beautiful full head of hair.

Her vice grip.

Her happy personality... when she's awake. :)

Family walks to the temple.

1 comment:

  1. I just love seeing pictures of Lily. She is adorable! And being a mom was a huge shock to my system so I know what you mean. She should figure out her days and nights on her own in a week or so without letting her cry it out. Braylen did the same thing. If you have any questions about babywise or need any advice just call me (760) 713-3100. Also, Vitamin B6 helps with the baby blues if you're feeling a little down. Take at least 200mg a day, and it's harmless. You're family is beautiful! I'm so proud of you guys!
