It has been quite a while since I last posted. Here is my long catch-up post!
Here are some pictures from Halloween. I dressed Lily up in this adorable costume that my mom bought for her and visited Alec at work. We just stayed home that night and handed out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Lily was fast asleep by 7. Next Halloween will be much more exciting I'm sure. :)
Next up, Thanksgiving!!
We decided to choose between going to California for Thanksgiving or for Christmas. I didn't really want to drive down there twice within a month with a 4 month old... So we chose to stay in Utah for Thanksgiving. It worked out really well because Cameron, Melissa, and their kids, Caleb and Leighton ended up coming up to Utah! We spent all day Wednesday at Temple Square with them and then we went to Magleby's for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. The food was AMAZING and the best part was that we didn't have to do the dishes. :) Then on Friday we went to see the lights at Temple Square. We had a great Thanksgiving week! Here are some pictures from our adventures!
Lily fell asleep pretty soon after we got there. She was bundled up in several layers plus Alec put the baby carrier on inside his jacket so she felt his body heat as well. Oh the life of a baby... :)
We have had a few wonderful and very busy months. Now we just can't wait for Christmas!!